In your 20s, you may be juggling jobs, education, and relationships, but it’s wise to make sure your financial health is also being cared for. By starting with smart choices now, you can boost your comfort and success in your 30s and beyond.
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3 Expenses to Shed this Autumn Season
Much like the trees shed their leaves this time of year, it may be time for individuals to do some shedding as well — of the financial nature. Autumn is the perfect time to follow the trees’ lead and strip ourselves of those unnecessary expenses we’ve piled up during summer.
4 Cost Considerations for Potential Pet Owners
It’s hard to understate the benefits of owning a pet. Pets provide us love, companionship, and fun. That’s why over 85 million Americans, or 67% of the total population, own a pet.
How COVID-19 is Reshaping Millennial Saving Habits
The coronavirus pandemic has caused the most substantial economic rift to the U.S. economy since the Great Recession of 2008. Due to quarantining policies and business shutdowns, the nation’s unemployment rate reached a staggering 14.4% in April 2020, according to Pew Research.
5 Simple Ways to Minimize Food Spend
Splurging on delicious treats is one of life’s many pleasures. And sure, the occasional frozen yogurt here and Chipotle takeout there won’t make much of a dent in your wallet. However, with the average American household spending $7,203 a year on food, it does make you wonder where corners can be cut.
4 Tips to Spring Clean Your Finances
Spring cleaning might be a heinous thought, and it might usually apply to cleaning the house. However, everyone could do with spring cleaning their finances once in a while. Whether it be clearing some old debts, creating a few more spreadsheets or completing your tax statement, there are plenty of things you can do to keep your finances sparkling clean.
Inexpensive Ways to Ensure Home Security
Your home is your most important possession, and it is understandable that you want to implement effective security features to ward off any potential trespassers. Fortunately, there are several inexpensive ways to make your home more secure.
Continue readingUtility Bill Blues: Making Home Appliances More Cost-Effective
It’s easy for your utility expenses to creep up on you. Not only do they vary seasonally, but it can be easy to overlook how often you use some of the appliances in your home.
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Purchasing gifts for the holidays has long been the bane of many living on a budget, but there are plenty of ways to enjoy watching loved ones opening gifts without going into massive debt.
Continue readingEnjoying Thanksgiving Dinner on a Budget
There is always so much to look forward to on Thanksgiving Day, from having friends and family over for dinner to playing games together and catching up on good times — and maybe even watching a little football.
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