Monthly Archives: February 2017

Work-Apocalypse—The Robots Have Invaded! Part I

By MJ Plaster

Not since the Gutenberg press have we seen anything like what we’re going to witness in the next five years. The next wave of automation is projected to dwarf the aggregate of the PC revolution and the connected-device (smartphones, tablets, etc.) wave. Connectivity has already dissolved the lines between personal and work lives, and now that we’ve adjusted to being on call 24/7, it’s possible we could undergo an even bigger change—if automation relegates the concept of work to the dustbin.
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Six Business Finance Lessons For The Year Of The Rooster

We have entered year of the fire rooster according to Chinese astrology. Whether you believe in astrology or not, your business can benefit from lessons the fire rooster has to teach us. Each animal of the Chinese zodiac calendar represents traits people want to embody and qualities that people struggle with. Here is a list of the main business finance lessons year of the rooster teaches: Continue reading

How To Save Money And Still Live Life To The Fullest

There’s a constant battle in life between saving and spending money. You want to enjoy life each day with a decadent cup of coffee, but that trip to Jamaica is calling your name. There are some strategies in life that can help you save money while enjoying it at the same time. You simply need to sit down, look at your financial reality and make some plans today. Continue reading