Monthly Archives: June 2017

Three Signs That You Might Be Living Beyond Your Budget

Many people today are living beyond their budget. Unfortunately, they don’t know how to interpret the signs that their spending habits are unhealthy and end up living in debts. The pressure to meet certain lifestyle standards are contributing significantly to this trend. L

iving beyond your budget can leave you financially and economically vulnerable in times of emergencies, and this is not a position in which you want to find yourself. Here is a comprehensive checklist of the warning signs that you are living beyond your budget and practical solutions to this challenge. Continue reading

Three Tips For Budgeting When You’re Unexpectedly Between Jobs

Getting laid off is a devastating life event for anyone to have to bear. It is troubling for a variety of reasons, not the least of which is the fact that you still have to figure out how you are going to survive monetarily. 

A large number of people live paycheck to paycheck. It is not a great way to live, but it is the reality of the lives of plenty of people. Given this, there are a few things worth taking a look at in terms of dealing with this situation. 
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