Category Archives: Business

10 Steps to Maximize a Side Hustle Income

In today’s dynamic and ever-evolving economy, many individuals are exploring the world of side hustles to supplement their primary income. Whether you’re aiming to pay off debts, build an emergency fund, or simply enhance your lifestyle, a well-managed side hustle can be a powerful financial tool. In this blog post, we’ll delve into the art of maximizing side hustle earnings and budgeting wisely to make the most of your additional income streams.

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4 Budget-Friendly Ways Small Businesses Can Reward Employees

As a small business owner, understanding that your employees are the lifeblood of your business comes as no surprise. But at the same time, many small businesses operate on a tight budget, which could make it difficult to provide competitive salaries and benefits to help retain employees like larger corporations. 

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5 Tax Season Tips for Your Small Business

The tax filing deadline is quickly approaching for the 2022 tax year. This can be a stressful time for many small business owners, especially if you’re not prepared. But, with a little planning and organization, you can make tax season a breeze. Here are five tax season tips to help your small business stay on top of its taxes this year. 

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Freelancer reviewing her business expenses

Keeping Your Personal & Business Finances Separate

The entrepreneurial spirit that has taken hold of today’s workforce has led to many people jumping into self-employment, freelancing, and gig work. Unfortunately, being an expert in the products or services you provide does not make you an expert in managing business and personal finances. Many sole proprietorships and individual freelancers are lost when it comes to the related financial matters.

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Hidden fees that follow you through life

From the time we are expected to stand on our own two feet, we are hit with the hidden costs of living. Whether we are talking about the extra costs associated with attending college or the extra costs associated with simply putting a roof over your head, these payments can add up.

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Preparing for the 2019 Tax Season

It’s a brand-new year, which means that tax season is upon the nation. You still have until April to figure out your taxes, but the new laws may slow your progress this year. Don’t worry about your 2019 taxes. Simply follow a few tips in order to ease any tension. The new rules will make sense as you get accustomed to the enhanced forms and various deductions.

Get started on your taxes with these tips and tricks.

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