Tag Archives: financial planning

Retirement Planning: Traditional vs. FIRE (Financial Independence, Retire Early)

Retirement planning is a topic that can seem distant and overwhelming, but it’s a crucial aspect of financial well-being. Traditionally, people have followed a linear path of working for decades, saving diligently, and retiring around the age of 65. However, in recent years, a new movement called FIRE (Financial Independence, Retire Early) has gained popularity, challenging the conventional retirement narrative. In this blog, we’ll explore both traditional retirement planning and the FIRE movement, highlighting their differences, similarities, and the factors to consider when choosing your path to retirement.

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How to Make Plans for your Tax Refund in 2023

It’s that time of year to start asking yourself what you’ll do with your 2023 tax refund. Many are excited to get some cash back but sadly blow through the funds as quickly as they came. It’s time to make a plan on what to do with the money before it gets into your hands. That way, you’ll be able to make better choices and set yourself up for a successful year! 

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Budgeting During Inflation: 4 Tips for Frugal Living

Inflation can cause budgeting to become a huge challenge. It’s important to stay frugal when possible to help combat some of the potentially detrimental effects of a higher cost of living. In this post, we’ll discuss some tips on how to stay on budget and keep your finances healthy.

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Living in Financial Denial? Here’s How to Bounce Back

In a bleak economy that has split the “middle class” into three different subclasses, the 18 to 29 age group have more opportunities to go into debt than any generation that came before them. There is a lot of pressure to show success. So much so that more people are living beyond their means more than ever.

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Hidden fees that follow you through life

From the time we are expected to stand on our own two feet, we are hit with the hidden costs of living. Whether we are talking about the extra costs associated with attending college or the extra costs associated with simply putting a roof over your head, these payments can add up.

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5 Tips for Couples with Joint Finances

Handling finances as a single person can be difficult. Add another adult with income into the mix, and the difficulty can expand. Frequently, a couple will have both a spender and a saver. This is why couples need to have a strategy when it comes to handling household finances.

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How & Why Finance Should Be Taught in Schools

Financial literacy involves teaching students the basics of money management. This includes things such as debt, budgeting, saving, and lending. The purpose of financial literacy courses is to set a foundation for students so that they can build strong money habits later in their lives.

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