Monthly Archives: July 2015

AMS: The Magic of a Winning Corporate Culture

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By MJ Plaster

When you click “Buy Now” on the Internet, you trust the retailer to deliver your package on time and in perfect condition—and that usually happens. But did you know that a third-party fulfillment company is often the invisible partner that handles all the pesky details to make it happen?

AMS Fulfillment (AMS), a privately owned business based in Valencia, California, provides a seamless end-to-end delivery system to retail partners who choose not to run their own warehouses. The company accepts delivery from the manufacturer, unpacks and inspects the merchandise to ensure quality control, repackages it for the end consumer, ships and tracks the delivery, allowing clients to share the HR resources at AMS.

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Is Facebook Making you more Vulnerable to a Grandparent Scam?

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The grandparent scam has been around a few years, according to the FBI, but numbers have increased dramatically as seniors become more active online and with social media. A typical grandparent scheme involves a phone or email; someone identifying themselves as one of your grandkids will claim to be in trouble and need immediate financial help. Continue reading

How You’re Shooting Yourself In The Foot Financially

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PHOTO: SeniorLiving.Org

Making consecutively poor spending decisions can leave you drowning in a sea of debt. The following article explains the most common ways you could end up shooting yourself in the foot financially.

Making Too Many Small Purchases and ATM Foreign Withdrawals

You may be good at keeping up with big expenditures but not so good at monitoring your spending habits when making small purchases. Small purchases can quickly add up, especially when they’re made on impulse or done by habit. Continue reading

Designer Duplicates: 5 Tips for Avoiding a Counterfeit Bag

women handbags hanging on wall in store

For as long as high-end designers have produced exclusive handbags, buyers have had to avoid near identical fakes. Thrifty fashionistas enjoy a convincing knockoff, but the majority of people want the real thing. So, how can you tell that the item you’re buying is authentic?

The reality is, people are duped by designer knockoffs every day, and the counterfeit bag market remains a billion dollar industry. Scam artists no longer prowl the streets of major cities looking for their next shopping victims. Instead, they target online buyers by providing false descriptions, pictures, and the promise of an unbelievable deal for their inferior products. So-called “purse parties” also remain popular, where hosts bring in vendors to supply designer or imitation bags at down-to-earth prices. Continue reading

Five Tips For Resisting The Urge To Spend Frivolously


In this day and age, spending money like water often seems like part of the American way. Unfortunately, it’s this kind of frivolous spending that gets so many people deep in debt and cripples their ability to save money for their future security.

In order to combat the problem, it’s necessary to rethink the way you spend money. Here are some tips that can help you achieve this. Continue reading

How Much Does The Internet Know About You?

Suspicious businesswoman siting on the desk with laptop computer

Our society relies heavily on the Internet for information, commerce, communication and entertainment. Increasingly, though, logging on comes with a distinct Big Brother-style unease. Many people are worried how much the Internet knows about them and would like to limit this information, but can’t find the right answers. Well, here they are. Below we’ve outlined some of the most salient questions Internet users have, as well as the best ways to protect yourself. Continue reading

Keeping The Debt Hounds At Bay


Maybe you’re a new graduate embarking on your first full-time job. Or, after much effort, you’ve managed to pay off all your credit card charges. Or you’ve just gotten a big raise, so that your income comfortably exceeds your expenses.

Isn’t it great not having to worry either about having to pay interest or whether you’ll have the money to meet next month’s bills? If you want to keep yourself in your happy state, follow these tips for staying debt-free: Continue reading

Personal Finance Goals For Every Stage Of Life


Whether you are a teenager or about to retire, it is important that you are able to manage your money effectively. Although your financial goals may be different as you get older, it is never too early or too late to learn and master sound fiscal habits.

Let’s take a look at some common financial goals and how you can achieve them. Continue reading