When you think about personal finance wisdom, you may envision suggestions that have been passed down from generation to generation. However, advice in its more nascent stages may actually guide you in a more appropriate manner. Continue reading
Monthly Archives: August 2017
Are You the Worst Boss in the World?
By MJ Plaster
“Oh, dear God, it’s Monday, and I don’t know whether to stab out my eyeballs or slit my wrists.” If that’s what runs through your employees’ minds after the weekend, I know a secret. You might think they loathe their jobs, but it’s more likely they hate you, their Cretan boss. And, what’s worse, these bosses may be so self-absorbed that they have no idea their employees feel this way.
Why Small Businesses Are Hiring Fewer Accountants
In a day and age that small business trends are always changing, we’re seeing small businesses hire fewer accountants, a position that was always a must for business owners to hire in the past. But why is this the case? Costs certainly do factor into it, but that isn’t the only reason there’s been a shift in hiring. Continue reading