There are many reasons why loved ones may ask for money. Medical care, job loss, lack of credit for loans, and personal emergencies are all common situations people may need extra assistance with. Lending money to family and friends can be a kind gesture and a way to help.
Tag Archives: responsibility
Living in Financial Denial? Here’s How to Bounce Back
In a bleak economy that has split the “middle class” into three different subclasses, the 18 to 29 age group have more opportunities to go into debt than any generation that came before them. There is a lot of pressure to show success. So much so that more people are living beyond their means more than ever.
Financial Adulthood: What It Is & How It’s Changed
Financial adulthood. It’s a term that’s been circulating the internet for a while now. But what does it mean? What does it mean to be an adult in the financial sense? And how has our definition of financial adulthood changed from one generation to the next?
4 Cost Considerations for Potential Pet Owners
It’s hard to understate the benefits of owning a pet. Pets provide us love, companionship, and fun. That’s why over 85 million Americans, or 67% of the total population, own a pet.
How to Become a More Mindful Spender
If you have a habit of wondering where your money went shortly after you’ve been paid, you may be falling victim to destructive spending habits. The good news is that there are ways to become a more mindful spender.
Continue readingHow Green Living Can Save You Money
Going green can help you protect the environment. However, many people are reluctant to go green because they think that it is too expensive. Going green is not as expensive as you may think. In fact, you may be able to save money by going green.
Continue readingHow & Why Finance Should Be Taught in Schools
Financial literacy involves teaching students the basics of money management. This includes things such as debt, budgeting, saving, and lending. The purpose of financial literacy courses is to set a foundation for students so that they can build strong money habits later in their lives.
Top 5 Financial Resolutions for 2019
As humans, we all have the vices that we would rather not have. Money definitely acts like one of those vices. For this reason, millions of Americans set money-related resolutions every New Year.
Guide to Tipping Etiquette
In most parts of the world, tipping is not mandatory, or even expected. However, in the U.S., you are expected to tip if you go to certain places and most people feel it is a moral obligation. Nonetheless, sometimes you find yourself at a loss on how much to tip for certain services.
The Benefits of Having a “Money Buddy”
Based solely on this headline, you may be wondering: What on earth is a money buddy? Let us clarify that, no, a money buddy is not someone who helps you spend money. Quite the contrary! A money buddy is a person capable of helping you manage your money properly.