5 Tips for Couples with Joint Finances

Handling finances as a single person can be difficult. Add another adult with income into the mix, and the difficulty can expand. Frequently, a couple will have both a spender and a saver. This is why couples need to have a strategy when it comes to handling household finances.

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How & Why Finance Should Be Taught in Schools

Financial literacy involves teaching students the basics of money management. This includes things such as debt, budgeting, saving, and lending. The purpose of financial literacy courses is to set a foundation for students so that they can build strong money habits later in their lives.

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Preparing for the 2019 Tax Season

It’s a brand-new year, which means that tax season is upon the nation. You still have until April to figure out your taxes, but the new laws may slow your progress this year. Don’t worry about your 2019 taxes. Simply follow a few tips in order to ease any tension. The new rules will make sense as you get accustomed to the enhanced forms and various deductions.

Get started on your taxes with these tips and tricks.

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Preparing Your Business for the Holidays

Owning and running a business can be stressful enough as it is. Unfortunately, the holidays can take that stress to the next level. A little careful planning, however, can keep things running smoothly over the holidays and help ensure that your company takes advantage of the busy season.

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Guide to Tipping Etiquette

In most parts of the world, tipping is not mandatory, or even expected. However, in the U.S., you are expected to tip if you go to certain places and most people feel it is a moral obligation. Nonetheless, sometimes you find yourself at a loss on how much to tip for certain services.

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The Benefits of Having a “Money Buddy”

Based solely on this headline, you may be wondering: What on earth is a money buddy? Let us clarify that, no, a money buddy is not someone who helps you spend money. Quite the contrary! A money buddy is a person capable of helping  you manage your money properly.

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