Category Archives: Personal Finance

How to Resist Impulsive Spending

A midwestern couple walks into a mall. They’re looking to get some exercise so they set their FitBits and 9,000 steps later they’ve dropped $500. If you’re waiting for a punchline, there isn’t one. They left the mall with three ramen bowls, two coats, a pair of Doc Martens, and a bag of Lindt truffles they didn’t need when they got there and still didn’t need when they left.

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Living in Financial Denial? Here’s How to Bounce Back

In a bleak economy that has split the “middle class” into three different subclasses, the 18 to 29 age group have more opportunities to go into debt than any generation that came before them. There is a lot of pressure to show success. So much so that more people are living beyond their means more than ever.

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How Seasonal Shifts Affect Spending Habits

You’ve had a hard week and a glass of wine at home just isn’t going to cut it. So you opt to head over to your favorite department store and do a little damage on your credit card. While retail therapy is indeed “a thing,” the psychology behind it may shock you. Your need to spend may have something to do with the weather.

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3 Expenses to Shed this Autumn Season

Much like the trees shed their leaves this time of year, it may be time for individuals to do some shedding as well — of the financial nature. Autumn is the perfect time to follow the trees’ lead and strip ourselves of those unnecessary expenses we’ve piled up during summer. 

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