Tag Archives: personal finance

3 Expenses to Shed this Autumn Season

Much like the trees shed their leaves this time of year, it may be time for individuals to do some shedding as well — of the financial nature. Autumn is the perfect time to follow the trees’ lead and strip ourselves of those unnecessary expenses we’ve piled up during summer. 

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What the Future of Retirement Holds For College Kids & Seniors

The uncertain times brought on by the coronavirus pandemic and the resulting economic downturn have made many of us turn our attention (and worry) towards our finances. Before the pandemic, we may have felt confident in our financial well-being and our ability to retire one day. 

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5 Simple Ways to Minimize Food Spend

Splurging on delicious treats is one of life’s many pleasures. And sure, the occasional frozen yogurt here and Chipotle takeout there won’t make much of a dent in your wallet. However, with the average American household spending $7,203 a year on food, it does make you wonder where corners can be cut. 

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4 Tips to Spring Clean Your Finances

Spring cleaning might be a heinous thought, and it might usually apply to cleaning the house. However, everyone could do with spring cleaning their finances once in a while. Whether it be clearing some old debts, creating a few more spreadsheets or completing your tax statement, there are plenty of things you can do to keep your finances sparkling clean.

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Old School Personal Finance Habits That Still Work

Among the flurry of “new year, new me” sentiments, there’s one thing that often gets overlooked: the value of tried and true. There’s a lot of outdated advice in the world of personal finance — things your grandparents believed that maybe don’t apply so much anymore. However, there are a number of old-school personal finance habits that still test true.

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