5 Benefits of Mobile Depositing Your Checks

Despite what some people might think, checks are still part of our lives. What has probably changed tremendously is the way we deposit these checks into our bank accounts. Today, you can snap a photo of your check and use mobile depositing apps to add money to your bank account in less than five minutes. 

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4 Reasons to Gift a Check this Valentine’s Day

They say that distance makes the heart grow fonder, but when it comes to Valentine’s Day it sure doesn’t make things easier. Dinner over Zoom just doesn’t offer the same intimacy and a shared movie alone in your separate spaces is, well, lonely. 

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Bringing in the Lunar New Year with Festive Checks

The second new moon after the winter solstice always marks the start of the Lunar New Year. Taking place between Jan 21-Feb 21, this Chinese tradition revolves around the celebration of prosperity, abundance, and fortune — in both senses of the word.

You will soon be putting up red lanterns, cut-outs, and paintings adorned with the image of the rat to ward off evil and to encourage longevity, health, and peace.

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How Seasonal Shifts Affect Spending Habits

You’ve had a hard week and a glass of wine at home just isn’t going to cut it. So you opt to head over to your favorite department store and do a little damage on your credit card. While retail therapy is indeed “a thing,” the psychology behind it may shock you. Your need to spend may have something to do with the weather.

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3 Expenses to Shed this Autumn Season

Much like the trees shed their leaves this time of year, it may be time for individuals to do some shedding as well — of the financial nature. Autumn is the perfect time to follow the trees’ lead and strip ourselves of those unnecessary expenses we’ve piled up during summer. 

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What the Future of Retirement Holds For College Kids & Seniors

The uncertain times brought on by the coronavirus pandemic and the resulting economic downturn have made many of us turn our attention (and worry) towards our finances. Before the pandemic, we may have felt confident in our financial well-being and our ability to retire one day. 

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