How far can $100 go? Check out these ideas for new ways to invest your extra money this month!

How far can $100 go? Check out these ideas for new ways to invest your extra money this month!
A large portion of Americans still use checks as a mode of payment. Whether it’s for rent, your business, or large purchases in need of a paper trail, checks are still a mainstay for many transactions. The only problem is when you run out, they can become an annoying expense.
If you’re a regular check user, you’ll want to make sure you’re getting the best deal every time you buy your next round. Even if you’re a casual check user and you don’t want to spend too much, a set of checks can actually last you a long time.
Read below to find out how to find quality cheap checks and save yourself a lot more money!
Financial planning can be done in a variety of creative ways. Creating a financial road map is one method to help anyone visualize their aspirations and find new ways to prosper. Continue reading
Being financially independent is the first step to economic freedom. When you no longer rely on others for your expenses, you gain a new sense of control over your life. Read our tips below to help make this your new reality.
A midwestern couple walks into a mall. They’re looking to get some exercise so they set their FitBits and 9,000 steps later they’ve dropped $500. If you’re waiting for a punchline, there isn’t one. They left the mall with three ramen bowls, two coats, a pair of Doc Martens, and a bag of Lindt truffles they didn’t need when they got there and still didn’t need when they left.
Much like the trees shed their leaves this time of year, it may be time for individuals to do some shedding as well — of the financial nature. Autumn is the perfect time to follow the trees’ lead and strip ourselves of those unnecessary expenses we’ve piled up during summer.
The uncertain times brought on by the coronavirus pandemic and the resulting economic downturn have made many of us turn our attention (and worry) towards our finances. Before the pandemic, we may have felt confident in our financial well-being and our ability to retire one day.
If you’re like many parents, the stay-at-home orders in light of the Coronavirus pandemic forced you into a new role: homeschool teacher. With many jobs switching to work-from-home and schools switching to at-home, online learning, parents were forced to take on the role of teacher to help their kids learn through that challenging transition.
Splurging on delicious treats is one of life’s many pleasures. And sure, the occasional frozen yogurt here and Chipotle takeout there won’t make much of a dent in your wallet. However, with the average American household spending $7,203 a year on food, it does make you wonder where corners can be cut.
Your home is your most important possession, and it is understandable that you want to implement effective security features to ward off any potential trespassers. Fortunately, there are several inexpensive ways to make your home more secure.
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