Category Archives: Frugal Living

Money Saving tips

The Benefits of Having a “Money Buddy”

Based solely on this headline, you may be wondering: What on earth is a money buddy? Let us clarify that, no, a money buddy is not someone who helps you spend money. Quite the contrary! A money buddy is a person capable of helping  you manage your money properly.

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4 Tips for a Budget-Friendly Halloween

Here’s a fun fact about Halloween that you might not have known: Believe it or not, it is reported to be the holiday that consumers spend the most to celebrate. Even beating Christmas!

If you are in the mood to join in on the festivities without busting your bank account, here are four budget-friendly tips to help you control your spending this spooky season.

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5 Great Side Gigs to Supplement Your Income

The internet has made finding additional sources of income so easy. Many people are taking their talents and learned skills, and applying them to side gigs. Between Uber, TaskRabbit, and countless other other similar services, supplemental work is more abundant than ever. In today’s article, we’ll be breaking down five side gigs that you can start today and will eventually pay off in the long run.

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Seize the Summer While Minimizing Spending

With summer in full swing, many people may already be feeling a pinch in their pocketbooks. Unlike the fall and winter seasons when people are more likely to want to cozy up at home and be hermits, the siren call of the warm sun and blue skies are irresistible to many wanting to make the most out of these glorious months. Continue reading

Millennial Money: Personal Finance Lessons from Millennials

Millennials have a false reputation of not being savvy with their finances. There seems to be a stereotype regarding money management that has adhered to this generation with no known cause. While millennials are inarguably faced with the largest debt burden compared to previous generations, they are using that drawback to exercise smart spending and saving skills.  The fact is that millennials are actually quite creative and knowledgeable when it comes to their finances. They just save and invest in different ways than most other generations are accustomed to. Here are some lessons to take from the millennial generation. Continue reading

A Peek Into the Upside-Down Financial World of Millennials

By: Dayana Enriquez
Fellow Millennials, this is a sneak peek into your future and a plan to change your destiny. It’s also a glimpse into our generation’s world for those who have forgotten what they once faced as 20- and 30-somethings. At least once during their lifetime, most adults encounter what they feel is a losing battle with managing finances wisely. If you fall into the “it’ll never happen to me” category, I commend you for your optimism. All others can keep reading.
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Five Tips For Finding Financial Freedom In 2017


Financial freedom can be difficult to obtain without the right habits and rules established. For those who live paycheck to paycheck, it can be challenging to plan for the future or enjoy life while living on limited funds.

To obtain financial freedom in 2017, there are a few important tips to follow that will prove to be effective.

Pay Off Debt

Debt is one of the main inhibitors of growing your wealth due to money that must be repaid in addition to interest, which can add up to thousands of dollars each year. Continue reading

Linkedin: Getting the Job


Business people waiting for job interview. Four candidates competing for one position

LinkedIn is the world’s largest professional network, some 300 million strong. That means if you are in the market for a new job or looking for new connections, LinkedIn is your candy store. The issue for many that build a profile there is that they don’t seem to get the traction or engagement they need. No one visits their profile. Companies overlook their expertise. And often times, they don’t know how to venture deep into the candy store to explore and market themselves. If it’s time for you to make a change and you want to use LinkedIn to get you there, here are a few ways to market yourself so you really get noticed:

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