Author Archives: admin

5 Tips for Dealing With Extra-Annoying Co-Workers

Female boss about to kill the employee

By: MJ Plaster

The workplace is a melting pot of diverse backgrounds and eclectic personalities, so it’s unreasonable to expect everyone will get along swimmingly all the time. Still, there is an expectation that employees will act civilly toward one another and ignore petty annoyances.

Even minor irritations can send productivity plummeting, so how you handle toxic co-workers can make or break your day. Long term, how you manage these people can determine your career trajectory.

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The Inside Scoop on America’s Self-Made Businesswomen

shadow figures of women in group join

By MJ Plaster

You might not know their names or background stories, but America’s self-made businesswomen are breaking through the glass ceiling in every sector and industry. Oprah Winfrey’s extraordinary rocket to fame and fortune is well-known. Many lesser-known businesswomen have left their imprint on the American business scene. Because their names usually appear in business publications, fewer people are aware of their successes and background stories. The five women below are of varying degrees of celebrity started at square one and made it big. Each of them can serve as inspiration to someone out there—maybe that someone is you.

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Linkedin: Getting the Job


Business people waiting for job interview. Four candidates competing for one position

LinkedIn is the world’s largest professional network, some 300 million strong. That means if you are in the market for a new job or looking for new connections, LinkedIn is your candy store. The issue for many that build a profile there is that they don’t seem to get the traction or engagement they need. No one visits their profile. Companies overlook their expertise. And often times, they don’t know how to venture deep into the candy store to explore and market themselves. If it’s time for you to make a change and you want to use LinkedIn to get you there, here are a few ways to market yourself so you really get noticed:

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CheckWorks to Share the Wealth With Wholesale Partner Program

Financial paper charts and graphs on the table
By MJ Plaster

CheckWorks has a long and successful history of bringing printed checks to the public. It pioneered the concept of direct-to-customer checks at a substantial savings over checks offered through their banks. In the 1960s, the company pioneered another check concept—designer checks—the fad that wouldn’t die and has become a staple with CheckWorks’ customers.

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Kevin Kwan & Century 21 West Coast Brokers:“The Harder I Work, the Luckier I Get!”

House owner/real estate agent giving away the keys - house out of focus

By MJ Plaster

High school graduates relish the precious few weeks between high school graduation and the beginning of college classes. It’s the last hurrah with classmates before they all scatter to the wind. Kevin Kwan knew he wouldn’t have that last “hot fun in the summertime” because his mother had warned him that he’d have to get a job as soon as he graduated.

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Changes to the 2016 Tax Code

A variety of United States tax forms with a pencil


We all start getting tense and tight as we get close to tax time, worrying about whether we will owe and if so how much, or worrying about whether we will get enough back to do the things we want and need to do.  One way to have some control over the outcome is to be so familiar with the tax changes that are in effect for  2016 that we make maximum use of any opportunity to minimize the pain and maximize a positive outcome.

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