When you open your checkbook to write a check, are you pleased with your checks? Are your personal checks drab and boring, or are they a reflection of your personality? If you are not happy with the look of your personal checks, CheckWorks is here to help. We offer a huge selection of personalized check styles to ensure that your checks match your sense of style. Whether you want a classic style in an upbeat color, or you have a soft spot for cute animals, we have the checks to fit your personality.
If you are hesitant to order your checks from somewhere other than your bank, put your worries to rest. Here at CheckWorks, we understand the importance of security when it comes to your hard-earned money. Our checks have several security features, which meet and/or exceed regulations, and include:
- Printing our checks on chemically-sensitive paper to stop anyone from altering your checks.
- Use of a security screen, which is light printing on the back of the checks that cannot be easily copied.
- Use of a microprint signature line, which utilizes small letters that can only be seen with a magnifying glass; otherwise, they appear to be solid or dashed lines.
- Other security features that are not made public to protect your sensitive information.
Now that you know your information will be secure on our printed checks, you can choose from a wide range of personal check styles. Some of the available styles include:
- Dolphins, polar bears, elephants, kittens, puppies, and other animal designs
- Biblical scriptures and motivational quotes, such as Live, Love, Laugh
- Nature scenes, including flowers, leaves, and mountains
- Cuddly, bouncing babies
- Frogs, fish, and other aquatic scenes
- Islands, beaches, and blue sky scenes
CheckWorks ensures that you have plenty of styles to choose from, so you can have personal checks that reflect your personality. Contact us today to learn more about our security features and our huge selection of check styles. It is time to start using checks that bring a smile to your face every time you open your checkbook — and which even bring a smile to the face of the recipient!