When you order personal checks from your bank, you probably don’t give it much thought. You choose a color and style you like, place the order, and get on with your day. You don’t think about the price, because you don’t realize that you can order your checks from other vendors, including checkworks.com. When you order your new checks from us, you can still choose the style and color you want — you just won’t have to pay so much for the privilege.
Here are some tips from CheckWorks to help you keep your finances in order:
- Write checks instead of using your debit card. When you write checks, you think more about the purchase. Let’s face it — swiping a card is easy. It is also easy to forget that purchase, which could lead to an overdrawn account. Writing checks forces you to think about the purchase and make a record of it.
- Create a budget that separates your necessities from your non-necessities. Avoid spending money from your rent budget for that unexpected night on the town. Instead, allot yourself a certain amount of money each month for extras. When that money is gone, bite the bullet, stay home, stick to your budget, and, maybe the next month, you will be able to afford to go out.
- Balance your checkbook every month. It may be a chore, but reconciling your checkbook with your bank statement can help you find any unusual discrepancies. If you use some of our handy accessories, like our detailed check register or our useful calculators, you can take some of the hard work out of balancing your checkbook. The time devoted to making sure your records match will pay off when you catch that one suspicious charge.
Life is hard enough without having to deal with the stress of financial worries. These worries include the smaller details, such as ordering new checks. Checkworks.com is here to help relieve some of the stress from your life, so contact us today and place your order.