One of the most important financial decisions you will make is the decision to open a checking account. Opening the account is fairly easy, and, once your account is open, you can order checks from almost anywhere, including here at CheckWorks. If you have never opened a checking account, here are some tips to help you do it with ease:
- Research various banks before making a decision. Some banks require a minimum deposit to open a checking account. Others may have no minimum opening deposit, but they may require a minimum monthly balance. Research the benefits of each bank and choose the one that best fits your needs.
- Pay attention to any monthly fees! This cannot be stressed enough. Some banks charge a monthly maintenance fee for you to even have an account. There are many banks that offer free checking accounts, which means you never have to pay any fees for having the account. If you choose a bank that charges fees, make sure you can afford to pay them each month.
- Online banking is becoming quite popular. This type of checking account has no physical bank location. Instead, everything is handled online. You can still get a debit card and printed checks, and you can still make deposits, although direct deposits are usually the better choice.
- If ever in doubt, don’t be afraid to contact customer service of any potential bank and ask questions. Information is power, especially when it comes to managing your money, so make sure you are an informed consumer.
Now that you have your first checking account open, you are ready to order your first box of checks. Your bank may offer you a small number of free checks for opening the account. However, if you want those checks personalized, you can expect to pay extra. Here at CheckWorks, we have a huge selection of personalized checks that you can choose from for your checking account. You can choose from various prints, including animals, quotes, and other popular styles. Our prices are very affordable and our shipping is fast.
Contact us today at to order your first box of checks for your new checking account. We are standing by to answer any questions you might have.