Tag Archives: starting a business

Tough Love: 5 Hard Truths About Starting A Business

Checkworks-Pinterest-Blog-Post-02Owning your own business is a noble dream. Everywhere you turn, you’ll read some success story of an entrepreneur who pulled themselves up by their bootstraps and is now living the dream of being their own boss.

And while that is a great ideal to strive for, that doesn’t change the fact that starting a business is hard. And we mean REALLY hard.

So while everyone loves a success story, it’s unwise to go into your endeavor thinking that you’re just going to jump right into the black. So prepare yourself from a little tough love from the school of reality.

Because the truth is…

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The Fashion Industry: Turning Your Passion Into A Business

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Many people dream of having a career in an industry that they’re passionate about, but there are a lot of steps between having a dream and making it a reality. And in an industry as cut-throat and competitive as the fashion industry, that passion must be paired with some

Research the Market

It’s easy to think that just because you’re knowledgeable about fashion, that you know everything about the industry. This is a dangerous misconception.

Learn everything you can about the clothing industry before entering it. Look at comparable clothing businesses. Are they doing okay? Who are they targeting? What are their numbers? Which time of the year is it busiest and which time is the least active? Continue reading