Keeping Your Teen’s Dream Night From Becoming a Budget Nightmare

Group of Friends Being Videotaped at School Dance



The following are several helpful tips for you to implement this prom season. By following these suggestions, you will ensure your teen’s dream night doesn’t become your budget nightmare.

Make and Budget and Stick to It:

It only stands to reason that in order to prevent yourself from going over budget paying for your teen’s prom, you should have a predetermined budget. Sit down, go over your finances, and decide what you are willing or able to spend. The average cost of a prom night can range anywhere from $700 to $1,400. However, you don’t have to spend anywhere near that much if you follow the tips listed below that reveal how to save on each aspect of the special night.

Save on the Dress:

Before you say yes to a dress that your daughter just has to have, consider the following easy ways to procure an affordable dress:

  • Rent: Today you and your daughter have an excellent alternative to buying a dress, thanks to sites like RentTheRunway. Sites like these allow you to rent designer frocks for a fraction of the cost. In fact, you can get your daughter a fabulous dress for approximately 10% of the retail price. Now that is a big savings. After the big night, simply return the dress. Since your daughter likely won’t wear the dress more than once anyway, this is a perfect way to save some money all the all important prom dress.


  • Buy a Versatile Dress: As mentioned before, most of the time, a prom dress isn’t worn more than once. However, if you make a point to select a dress that is versatile and can be worn again, then you can justify spending a bit more on the dress. Select dresses that are plain, so they are appropriate for other events, such as weddings. Then, utilize jewelry to dress it up some.


Get Thrifty With the Tux:

Perhaps you are on the other side of this event and have a son. You also likely wonder how to reduce your spending. Thankfully, there are a couple of ways you too can save some money. Read below to learn more:


  • Buy a Suit: Although the traditional attire of the prom for guys has been tuxedos, there is no rule that states that this has to be the case. Therefore, purchase a high-quality suit for your son to wear to the prom, and then he will have it to wear again on other occasions. This makes the investment more worthwhile.


  • Get a Group Rate: Some tux rental companies will offer group discount rates if more than a few young men all need to rent tuxes at the same time. Therefore, encourage your son to team up with his friends and hopefully receive a discount from the tux shop as a result.


Minimize the Cost of Hair and Makeup:

An updo and professionally applied makeup for your daughter can run you upwards of $100, conservatively. Therefore, it is smart to try to save some money in this area, when possible. Consider using a cosmetology school for hair and makeup. These schools have students who are often very capable. However, since the students are still in training, the cost is considerably less than going to a regular salon for hair and makeup. Note: It’s important to do a practice run before the big day regardless of where you go for hair and makeup. 

Lose the Limo:

A limo is a popular and impressive way to arrive at the prom. Unfortunately, it also is pricey. Therefore, think outside the box when it comes to prom transportation. Have your son or daughter borrow a classic car from someone you know who would be okay with this arrangement. If you can’t find anyone who is willing to let your teen drive their expensive classic car, which is understandable, offer to play the role of chauffeur and take on the responsibility yourself. On the off chance that your teen refuses to let you drive them, arrange for another responsible party to drive them instead. Arriving in a beautiful classic car is unique, and if you can acquire it for free or very cheap, it is better on your budget as well. If your teen insists on a limo, ask them to get a group together and share one limo so the per person rate isn’t so high.

Forget the Formal Photos:

Unless your teen ends up marrying whomever they attend prom with, which is unlikely, any formal prom photos will be relegated to the bottom of a storage box in future years. Therefore, another way to save on prom costs is to forgo the formal photos. Instead, take photos with your phone or a nice camera. They will likely turn out better anyway, since they will be candid shots instead of posed photos.

The prom is a magical night for your teen, a dream night if you will. However, your son or daughter’s dream evening doesn’t have to turn into a budget nightmare. If you follow the helpful tips listed above, you will ensure you are able to fund your teen’s prom without going bankrupt.   




Link to Rent the Runway: