Category Archives: Business Checks

How the Right Checks Can Help Ease Your Tax Season Stress

April 15th has come and gone — and you made the tax deadline by the skin of your teeth! Tax season is one of the most stressful times of the year for millions of people across the country. Every year, you promise to keep better business records — and every year, you fail. CheckWorks is here to help you keep stellar financial records this year with our wide selection of business checks.

You may not realize it, but the right checkbook can be a huge asset when it comes to record-keeping. Every time you write a check, you are creating a paper trail. When you use our business checkbooks that feature duplicates of each check, not only will you have the paper check circulating in the financial system until it comes back to you; you will also have a copy of each check as proof of payment.

Another way our business checks can help you keep detailed financial records is through the register. The register is that part of the checkbook where you write down the date, payee, and amount of each check — the part that you balance at the end of each month. Our detailed registers ensure that you always have the pertinent information for each check written. Used in conjunction with duplicate checks, and you have solid, written evidence of each and every check you write.

Between the duplicate checks and the registers, it should be easy to keep track of your business expenses for the year. Every time you pay a bill, every time you send a payment to a vendor, and every time you create payroll checks for your employees, you will have written records of each transaction. Come tax time of next year, and all you will need to do is gather your checkbooks and registers, turn them over to your accountant, and breathe easy for once.

If you are tired of sweating the IRS every time April rolls around, and you would like to get your financial records organized once and for all, contact CheckWorks today to learn more about our selection of business checks and registers to help you keep meticulous financial records.

The Right Business Checks can Make Record-Keeping Easier

As a small business owner, you have a huge financial responsibility on your shoulders. You are in charge of carefully monitoring money coming into your business, as well as money going out of your business. Larger businesses employ accountants to keep track of financial matters — small business owners like yourself have to shoulder that responsibility on your own. The right business checks can help make this responsibility a little bit easier.

Writing checks is a big part of running a business, as is making and keeping track of deposits. The right checkbook can make both of these processes faster and easier to track. You need a checkbook that makes it easy to record daily activity, so you can see at a glance the bills paid and deposits made on any given day. You also want business checks that look professional — there is no room for fuzzy kittens in the world of business!

Here at CheckWorks, we carry a wide assortment of business checks designed to help you keep careful records of business transactions. You can choose from several designs to ensure the professional appearance of each check. Our line of checks include:

  • Traditional business checks, 1 per page
  • Estate business checks
  • Computer/laser printer checks
  • Designer business checks, 3 per page
  • General purpose checks, 3 per page
  • Payroll checks, 3 per page
  • Accounts payable checks, 3 per page
  • Vision business checks

Checks that are 3 per page make it easier to write multiple checks each day — an especially useful feature if you have to write multiple payroll checks to pay your employees. Checks that are 1 per page are perfect for less frequent transactions. If you have a laser printer, our laser checks are the right choice because you can print the exact number of checks you need when you need them. Whether you need to make deposits or pay business expenses, any one of our business checks is sure to meet your needs.

Contact us today at CheckWorks to learn more about our business checks, including the security features, and let us help you place your first of many orders.