Balancing your checkbook is an important aspect of managing your finances. It allows you to review all transactions to see where your money goes each month and catch any bank errors or discrepancies. Above all, it provides transparency into your finances, giving you a clear understanding of your financial positioning at any given time.
In the digital age, there continue to be new ways to manage your finances online, including balancing your checkbook, as we’ll detail below.
Do You Still Need to Balance Your Checkbook?
Online banking has grown in popularity over recent years, giving customers a real-time view of their account balances. So, rather than waiting until the end of the month to receive your bank statement or manually keeping track of changes to your balance with each transaction, you can now access this information at your fingertips at any time.
Because of this accessibility, you might think balancing your checkbook is an outdated act. However, if you’re still writing checks, it’s still a good idea to balance your checkbook. Much of banking has gone digital, but the risk of accidental account errors and fraud remains, which you can detect by regularly reconciling your checkbook against your account data.
Balancing Your Checkbook with a Spreadsheet
Rather than tracking all transaction details by hand and manually calculating changes to your account balance, you can use a spreadsheet to make these calculations automatically. Here are the specific steps you can take to balance your checkbook with a spreadsheet:
- Open a blank spreadsheet and create columns for the date, description, amount, and balance.
- As you spend or receive money, enter the details of each transaction into the spreadsheet.
- In the balance column, set up a formula to subtract withdrawals and add deposits to your starting balance.
- Regularly update the spreadsheet with new transactions as they occur to keep your records up to date.
- At the end of the month, compare your spreadsheet balance with your bank statement to ensure all transactions match.
Balancing Your Checkbook with a Mobile App
You can also find personal finance mobile apps to help balance your checkbook. Here is what that process can look like:
- Download and enroll in the personal finance app of your choice and link it to your bank account.
- The app automatically imports transaction data from your linked account.
- Manually enter check and cash payments that aren’t automatically tracked.
- Regularly review transactions to ensure your records are correct and up-to-date.
- At the end of the month, compare the balance shown in the app with your bank statement to verify all transactions match.
Final Thoughts
Balancing your checkbook using digital methods gives you a comprehensive view of all transaction data, compiling check payments with those processed digitally. Just like when manually balancing your checkbook, it allows you to spot account discrepancies and errors, monitor your spending habits, and help you avoid unwanted surprises.
Regardless of the digital method you consider using, it’s wise to keep a physical record of your transactions. So, using check registers as a backup to your digital record-keeping is always a good idea. In the event that one of the above tools fails, you’ll still have a way to verify your account balance and track spending without relying on digital technology.